I look forward to others' memories. Here's some more: Our principal called the entire 7th grade to the auditorium so we could finish watching the thrilling game seven of the 1960 world series. (The 7th grade was the highest grade at my elementary school, as there were no middle schools then in Georgia. The 8th grade started high school for us.) I thought that was unusual, but I read that that occurred in schools all over the US. There were no night WS games then, so few students could have seen that game seven if the principals hadn't obliged.

I also recall Pee Wee Reese asking Dizzy Dean to sing a few bars of the "Wabash Cannibal" on the Game of the Week. Reese then couldn't get Dizzy to shut up, (though he tried) as he bleated the whole song for the whole half-inning. Back then Ruth's 714 was 180 HR's ahead of second place (Foxx with 534), which is why it seemed so impossibly high until Mays hit his 535th.