I am curious as to what you guys think about this Cris Carter helmet?

http://www.ebay.com/itm/2002-CRIS-CARTER-Miami-Dolphins-Game-Used-Helmet-His-Last-w-LOA-Photo-Matched-/281006743763?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416d4e a0d3

To my eye it passes the test however I don't have much helmet knowledge. So your opinions would be very much appreciated. It has been relisted numerous times in the American Memorabilia auctions these past few months. I have been mildly interested every time but am a little turned off due to it's lack of provenance. The only thing the helmet comes with is the always popular 100% authentic letter.

When previously looking for photo match evidence I was able to see a faint outline of the 88 decal near the left earhole, but it wasn't really clear enough for me to pull the trigger. Of course now I am unable to find that same image. So what do you guys think? Does it look legit or should I hold out making my first helmet purchase until I find something that I feel more comfortable with?