I would suspect the numbers show a gradual decline year over year since 2013, whereas the past 2 years have exponentially declined. I think the death blow was the migration to the new site and flushing of passwords. The process to re-register and set a new password did not work, which made the re-registration even worse. I somewhat live by the motto that 'change is good', but many will take the path of least resistance.

My suggestions would be to start going through the database one-by-one and calling them with password assistance, ESPECIALLY Brian Hillerich who provided some of the most valuable data known to bat collectors.

I also felt that the negativity was rising and somewhat depressing to look at posts because it only focused on the negative. I am tired of the negative and would love to see more positive posts. For example, look at the Auction Item threads, it is all about what is fake and bad, but what about the great stuff? When people did post about great stuff, they would be accused of pumping their own auction items, SMH.

Addition and involvement of "other auction house" persona, such as Dave Grobb and Troy Kinunen, etc. Please don't take this comment the wrong way, but for the past several years this site has become a "Goldin Auctions Posse", and involving other counterparts in the business would be great for all of us. Again, not a dig against you Ken, you have been great to this hobby but your purchase of GUU removed some of the independence.

Allowing Wiki threads. I emailed Chris about this a few times over the years and never received a response on this one. Wiki threads allow the thread owner to continue to edit the first post, which allows for a well organized thread where information is updated in user posted threads over time. An example of where this could be applicable is in a thread for MLB Team Game Used Contacts. Scoreboard Jerseys would be another great one. I would love to work with you on a pilot of one thread to demonstrate the value of organizing and aggregating data in a wiki thread.

I share the same desire to make this site great again and I think it can be done.
