Patrick, thanks for taking all of the time and effort to post all of this information on here. I know many, if not most, other people in your position wouldn't have bothered taking the time, effort, and hassle of posting on here solely for the benefit of others.

In a similar vein, anyone could ask me what business it is of mine to make most of the posts I make on here, given that I'm not involved the sale or purchase of the majority of jerseys I discuss. The answer, as sappy as it may sound, is I'm simply trying to do what I can to make a hobby I enjoy a better one by sharing information. Personally, I still don't think there's enough dissemination of information in this hobby. Compared to the amount of collective knowledge and experience out there, a relatively minute amount of it seems to trickle out. I don't think the Kim Stigall's, Howard Wolf's, Barry Meisel's and Rob Steinmetz's of the hobby post nearly enough to satiate me. Then there are others who have never posted on this Forum..Jim Yackel? the boys from Grey Flannel? John Taube? anyone from Steiner? (I understand the folks at MEARS are trying to get their own forum hopping and so posting here would just be counter-productive for the purposes they're trying to acheive.) Why not make the effort to share information? At any rate, before I go off on a tangent, thanks for taking the time to "share information", when many others would've chosen to do the opposite.

On a somewhat unrelated note, when should you start to question someone's integrity, as opposed to just questioning a particular jersey?
That is, how many bizarre, inexplainable acts does a person need to commit before people start to think that, even if a jersey seems ok, things might not add up?
I've always thought where there's smoke, there's fire. I've seen jerseys I thought looked good on their own but the actions of the seller seemed shady enough that I lost faith in the jersey. (I simply figured that there are issues that I'm simply not seeing because an ethical dealer selling a legit piece wouldn't be acting in such a way).

I'm sure there are fake jerseys out there good enough to fool me and many others, and in those situations the behavior of the seller may be all that's left to help us discern things.
