
What can I say? You are the man for putting this together. Such a great resource for Blue Jays collectors.

Just wanted to post an update on Pg. 12, Section 8 in the Notes section. I spoke with Darryl De Franco of the Blue Jays and he confirmed that the Jays no longer issue certificates, but rather rely on the MLB authentication program. However, it is worthwhile to note that the Blue Jays no longer issue LOAs for jerseys made BEFORE 2004 but still sell today. For instance, they still have several 1989 jerseys available, but if you bought one from the Blue Jays today, it would be sold as-is, with no COA. Several members of this forum have confirmed this since their recent purchases over the last year.

In other words, if you buy a GW jersey directly from the Blue Jays that is made pre 2004, you will not get an LOA. I guess if the jersey matches what you have stated in your awesome guide and it LOOKS game used and it was said to have been GW by the Blue Jays, it is authentic .

I can forward anyone who's interested Darryl's response to my question. He is the Supervisor for Warehouse Distribution with the Toronto Blue Jays.

Thanks again!