Hi, need help. Im a game used guy, not really a card guy. I've never sent a card to be authenticated or graded before. I have an original Cal ripken jr. Wbtv card that I was wanting to send in. I also have most of the rest of the set. I went on the p.s.a. site and they have different price for the service, depending on "declared value". My question is how do you come up with that before grading as it pretty much dictates the value of the card. Which is strange that the same service preformed on every card, has such a difference price point. i know it costs more to grade a ripken than the pepper girls card? I need to get this done as cheaply as possible for the simple reason to seperate it from the fake one's out there. Just don't really no how to do it properly, without over paying. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!