Hi......Dave is exactly right concerning research skills and he knows how I feel about doing your research when it comes to caps. The resources are out there and available for all to use. You have cap collecting websites, Getty photos, baseball cards, game footage, Ebay and auction house pictures.......so much more that is available than ever before. It is all about doing your homework......both the buyer and the seller have to do this to make successful purchases and sales.

Dating a cap and player ID are very important as they go hand in hand. I believe Jonsstats could do a better job in the research dept., but let's don't bash him. Instead. we can let him know of the many ways he can best learn about what he has to sell. If the issue is white piping, black piping, three red lines, MLB labels, size tags, grey bills, green bills, or whatever, don't ever think you have a cap totally figured out as to who wore it and when it was worn. Doing your homework doesn't always mean 1+1 will = 2. Something will turn up to change your thinking. That's just the way caps are. According to several equipment managers I have spoken to in the past, many teams had access to both retail caps and on-field caps.......it was totally up to the player. If this comes as a shocker to all of you cap enthusiasts, well take note and do your homework by the means I stated earlier and you will see.

For someone to be able to point out Jonsstats misrepresentations means that they did their homework and it also means that he can do the same if he so desires. Danesei and Dave........good observances and let's talk more about caps on here.

