Have you ever encountered a player who refused to sign items that were associated with one of his former teams?

I asked Tommy Gregg to sign some cards the other day, and he came over as though he was going to, but then he looked at them and said, "I don't sign Braves cards any more." He wasn't rude or angry about it - he just said it very matter-of-factly, and I just said, "Oh...okay."

Makes you wonder what the team did (or didn't do) to piss somebody off that much, doesn't it?

I understand that it's the player's prerogative, but it just seems kind of silly to me. I mean, if a guy is pissed off at the Braves, for instance, how does refusing to sign his cards (or a photo) in a Braves uniform, or a Braves bat or jersey or whatever, hurt the team in any way? I really don't get it.