This question is inspired from a conversation with a fellow collector. Say you run into a rack of certified game used jerseys directly from your favorite team, mine being the Houston Astros. With limited means and only able to buy a few, how do you decide which to buy?

Do you go for style first? If there were an old-style shooting star jersey, would you buy it, even if it's a common player? Or even if there's not much use? Or if the team had a rack of jerseys, would you go for the alternate style because you like the color? Or a year with a desirable patch?

Or are you a player-first collector? If there's a Bagwell jersey, my favorite player, does the style not matter so much as who wore it? Or even how used it is? Again, we are assuming that there are no questions about authenticity of the various jerseys, as they are put out by the team itself, say the Astros.

Or do you consider yourself a use-first collector? If you see a tattered jersey of Astros reserve, Jason Michaels, would you buy it just for the many loose threads, the piling, the puckering, etc. This kind of collector would love the photomatch, even if it's not a star player or a favorite style.

Or are you some combination of these? I'll share my thoughts later, but I'm most of all curious to read your responses.