Quote Originally Posted by mrw2161 View Post

I have just had a very good conversation with the gentleman that posted this information and it is someone that I would consider to be very reliable and knowledgeable as to this entire situation. My apologies for challenging him but he did the honorable thing and made the phone call that I hoped would come, for that he needs to recognized.

While I have yet to personally verify the fact that Mr. Borzello's equipment was stolen, it is a real possibility and I believe this to be true. I am going to place calls tomorrow morning to the Yankees clubhouse and will hopefully get to the bottom of this entire mess.

I cannot comment on whether or not these are "game used" Alex Rodriguez gloves, I don't know, it is my belief that they are but only Alex knows for sure. The fact that cannot be misconstrued is that the gloves did in fact belong to Alex at one time or another.

Now comes the concern that I may be criminally liable for receiving and selling stolen goods, it is my utmost worry that everyone realize that I did not participate in this, knowing this to be true. I will continue to work to the best of my ability to ascertain the truth with regards to the gloves and their true story....

Mark Webb
Wow! This whole matter has been unbelieveable. Started out as one of those unbelieveable stories which we all were cheering Mark on for such a great find, to now the truth about the gloves may be coming out where the end isn't a happy one.

I feel bad for both Mark and the buyer of the Arod gloves, as this matter has taken a turn for the worse. However, I hope they catch the person that stole the gloves from the Yankee catchers car.

I commend this website and all those who have protected this hobby. If it weren't for all the individuals in this forum sharing their information and knowledge, in addition to the outstanding detective work that so many have conducted, many stories like this would go undetected.

I was rooting for Mark on such a great find. It saddens me that this story looks like it will have a sad ending.

I commend Carlvv on his aggressiveness and research of the arod gloves. Your efforts helped protect the integrity of people in this hobby, and also saved someone from a tremendous loss of money. Bravo!

One note for all. Like stated in this thread, if someone is going to make accusations or call someone out on an item, facts must be provided immediately. When casual negative remarks are questioning at item, without proof, there are going to be unhappy people.

I will keep checking back for the conclusion. Tony