Not meaning to get off track, but as with one of the previous posts in this thread, I continue to see various references in this forum about acquiring team paperwork. If you truly trust team/league/player paperwork, you are terribly, terribly naive. Time and again I have seen "official" paperwork stating that an item has been "game-worn" when it is quite obvious that the item is nothing more than "team-issued" at best. Some teams issue COAs on every item they sell as they appear to not know the difference nor understand the relevance.

No, DON'T buy the paperwork, buy the jersey for what it is! A jersey speaks for itself. The more appropriate words of wisdom should be to buy only those items that YOU have researched (not depending on ANYONE'S COA) and that YOU feel comfortable with buying. To do otherwise is opening yourself up to a lot of heartache and frustration.

Mark Hayne
Gridiron Exchange