Hello guys,

I've searched the site looking for some info but didnt really see anything on the subject. For me personally, it is a bit of a two fold question but both pertain to the same time period. Other than googling it (which at times brings up old new paper articles etc all well as pics labelled similar to the search) and Getty Image- is there a source anyone has had any luck with for preseason NFL games as well as training camp? The Bills just made a donation to a local Savers a few weeks back. They must have cleaned something out and came across quite a few jerseys. Many of which were once game jerseys and had since become practice jerseys going into the late 80s when they used sand knit before Champion supplied actual practice jerseys. The others were obviously of the same ilk, but didnt have TV numbers and were just practice jerseys - but were the same sand knit style. I've checked cards, slides, team pics (they always seemed to wear their gamers for pics and practice that day though) and the like and when they were from practice/camp - it seems to always be the day they 'dressed up' in their gamers so its of no use.

The 2nd part of this is although there prob wouldnt be video or pics HD enough for a definitive photo match it would be very helpful to see late 80s early preseason games. These dont seem to be documented very well either. are there any tips or obvious things im missing? it seems more and more has come onto youtube, but not much in the way of preseason - which might not have even always been televised?

Thanks for the help and suggestions!