Quote Originally Posted by whatupyos View Post
Hello all:

I thought I'd chime in on my thoughts on the Hall of Fame. First off, I don't care about all the McGwire haters out there. I respect the Canseco fans out there, they stick by there boy so hats off to you Canseco fans. The one thing I have to say about Canseco is its a shame to rat on your fellow ball players. Where is the brotherhood like you see in the military? The Police force? Isn't there an unwritten law, like baseball, which has many unwritten laws, not to rat?! The only way I can tolerate a rat is if it is saving someones life! But thats just me, if you can live with yourself rating on people, then fine, I just hope you can sleep at night! Personally I think McGwire got screwed!! It's a darn shame to condemn a man for doing nothing wrong!!! As I said once before, he has never been found guilty!! And, what if he did use steroids? It wasn't illegal in the game!!!!!! If it was such a big deal, baseball would have had a ban on it from the get go!!! Are you going to punish people because you think someone used. No one can tell for sure when the steroid era began. And, might I add, just becasue you use steroids doens't mean you're a huge guy!!! You can still be a buck eighty five and be on roids!!! You're always going to have people try and cheat the system now, oh, and there's no testing for HGH, I could guess there are still tons using performance enhancers. Should you ban protein drinks too? They could help build muscle...uh oh, better not vote for anyone suspected of drinking protein!!!!! I read an article that said that baseball is strict in making sure people know that you're only to critique on the players performance!!! Not what you think he may have done, or by invoking their 5th amendment rights!!!! Trying to send a message?? I got a message for the people who are happy McGwire got such poor votes but I can't remember what you can or cannot say without getting into trouble on here, so I won't say it...people are too sue happy and have nothing better to do than sue, where is the thick skin real men should have? Fact is, his numbers are there, comparable to Reggie, I believe there were two others in the Hall, but forgot who, they were spoken about on a previous forum. Anyway, I'm not sure if this all makes sense, I'm just livid!!!! McGwire deserves to be in the Hall this year or at least next. Qutie frankly, all the others ahead of him are boring!!! Bert, Andre, Goose..hahaha, need I say more, Steve Garvey? Come on are you kidding me?!?! Jim Rice? Ridiculous!!

The "wasn't illegal in the game" argument is one of the flimsiest, often stated arguments of all time. It was illegal, period!!! I'm not sure if there's a handbook somewhere that states that murder is illegal on the field of play, but does it really have to? If McGwire hasn't been found guilty yet, so be it but if a voter has reason to suspect that he may have been, that is his right as a human being. And if that is reason enough for a voter to withhold his vote, that too, is his right as a voter. We all have varying moral and ethical values that we find important. We can discuss the degrees by which we agree or disagree, but that is up to the discretion of each voter to weigh. The fact that his vote total was so low is an indication that MANY of the voters have a problem with Big Mac.