Ex-Yankees pitcher Brandon McCarthy is well known on Twitter -- he's got almost 150,000 follower -- for his strong opinions.

He issued another recently. McCarthy, who recently signed a four-year deal with the Dodgers, wrote about the Hall of Fame on Derek Jeter's website, PlayersTribune.com

McCarthy's proposition? Put everyone, including those suspected of steroid abuse, in the Hall of Fame.

From McCarthy's post:

Admittedly, it's a mess. The ramifications extend far and wide, but I believe the answer is to admit those players whose on-field accomplishments merit it and leave history to be the final judge and jury. Ultimately, I believe the greatest injustice would be to leave worthy players--some of whom are objectively among the greatest ever--out of the Hall of Fame, when there very well may be guys already enshrined who have used performance enhancing drugs. Who knows how many PED users are already in the Hall of Fame? And in the future, who knows how many PED users, who managed to stay under the radar, will join them in Cooperstown? The true shame would be knowing that players who got away with using PEDs were voted in, while others connected to PEDs--either by proof, or worse yet, suspicion--continue to be left out and villainized.

McCarthy then posted his own Hall of Fame ballot, which included Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.