While the example Dave gave wasn't the worst any of us have seen, it's a perfect example of the instant gratification, give me what I want, whiney culture we live in now.
I'd would jump to the other side and say that everyone is easily offended these days. And when they are, they must let everyone know about it. Why just change the radio station to one you like, when you can go picket in front of the one that doesn't sit well with you. Could a show like All In The Family be on TV in 2012? Don't think so. Too many people would be jumping into the spotlight to demand an apology.

Anyway, below is what I'd consider the rude version of the OP's posted message. See, it could have been much worse


It's takes less than five *@#ing minutes to take a photo and email it. I'm not asking you to crop, resize, upload to Photobucket or add music. You can find the time to post a sale ad, but there's no time for photos? Really?

If you can't find time to send a photo, how in the name of all things holy will you possibly find the time to go stand in line at the post office? Or package it....or walk down to the mailbox to get my money order, because we sure as %$#@ know that opening a Paypal account would take even longer than sending photos.

Here's a tip. Next time, take the photo first then list your item.
