Thank you for your response, Mike. It is much appreciated. But, in difference to your comment, I am one who believes the prices for the index, off-label brands, older store model bats that meet length/weight/date/and model used, and some bats that fall into "holes" due to the lack of accurate records will continue to draw higher prices as "premium game bats" continue to escalate in price. These "lesser" bats are simply following the market of the premium type bats and I beleive in some cases, may be found to be more rare with regards to actual known numbers to exist.

Regarding potential use of a bat, outside of providing factually that these were professional models, it is difficult, if not impossible, to absolutely prove or disprove use in most cases....that is that the particular player did or did NOT use these bats in a game. All is subject to opinion and what one believes the percentage chance of use is per the values they place as most important. Although as a bat collector, I agree the more valuable bats are those that have multiple characteristics of use known by the player, factory recorded & matched examples to a particular player, as well as provenance, it still cannot be ignored that more and more photo documentation on use of off-label brands are becoming evident. And it does not take as big a leap in faith for one to think that players (and stars) may have used index bats, especially if the team purchases the lengths and weights that the player felt comfortable with and/or ordered previously. Such is the case as well, with players that are on record that they used certain lengths or models that are not documented in their ordering records.

Mike, I find the information you share invaluable and thank you for your willingness to share openly such information. Likewise, I am not attempting to create controversy, I simply differ in opinion with you and some others on the value of these "lesser" is truly up to the owner/purchaser to designate this value based upon the attributes they feel are desirable.


Rod Larson