Quote Originally Posted by joelsabi View Post
Thanks on the reply. Your hats look like great examples that would assist in the research. If you can take photos of your 4 hats at an angle that I can read the tags, that would be helpful. Some of your tags are folded backwards too and I do not want to guess what tags they are.

The samples from the 1992 Blue Jays large size book are interesting to me too. Scans would be helpful. I am not sure why the Blue Jays would be interested in photographing the inside of the hats but I might find something useful.

On the size tag being different on the 1988-1993 than what you have seen, are the size tag you have seen look like the 1985-1987 or 1993-1996 version?
Do you think you can track down some example and I will look back on my example. I will note this down tho. Thanks.

Those borderline years were hard to determine. Could there be variances at the breakpoints? I imagine yes. Tags are tags and hat are hats. I am sure the manufacturers used up all tags even if new tags were introduced and equipment managers didn’t throw away surplus hats just because it was at the end of the season.
Hi Joel. I'll try and email you some more detailed pics sometime tonight or tomorrow night. The size tag on my 1992 gamer is similar to the tag shown in your 1988-1993 row entry. So still within reason. It just doesn't match up well with your 1992 row entry.

The large Blue Jays photobook that I have doesn't have direct photos of the underside of the caps, however there are a few photos where various Blue Jays are holding their caps up, and you can clearly see the size tag in one of these photos. I'll scan this one and send it to you -- but it was merely to illustrate that: a) The underside brim colour (green) matches up with my gamer; and b) The size tag is similar to what you've shown in the 1988-1993 row entry.