Quote Originally Posted by TDKID View Post
I guess the guy that won these needed some cash really bad, because I got these from himfor $450. They went for around $650 on the site a month or so ago. Crazy !

You're not insinuating that people pay too much for items from NFL Auctions, are you?! BLASPHEMY!

"An item is worth what someone is willing to pay for it!!"
(Not to those of us with common sense. By that reasoning, if I can get some schmuck to pay me 10K for a beat-up 1987 Camry then the rest of us are supposed to believe that the car was actually worth that much..........uh, no).

"People can do whatever they want with their money!!"
(Including flush it down the toilet).

Nice shoes, Matt and TDKID. Glad to see you both were able to pay what they were actually worth.