I have been collecting ticket stubs for years.And have put together a nice collection of especially pittsburgh steelers.Yeah chicagotix are really spendy.And because i have been trying to sell my collection i contacted them.As they said they buy collections.But they were not very easy to deal with.In the way that they didnt want to give fair value for my tickets.I am not calling them out if they are a member on here.I am just saying they really wanted to buy low.And i know the name of the game is buy low and sell high.But they would not budge on thier offer.And i just wanted to get back a little of what i had into the collection.They deal in more high end stubs like super bowls and i had more regular stubs.And i didnt see the sense it like selling them a stub for $40 and then see they have the same one on there site for $225.That was just a made price example to give idea what i was talking about.But it was almost like that.There were several dealers on ebay that i delt with before i stopped going on there.I know there is alderson sports and i beleive they have thier own web site.But again you are going to spend alot for thier high end tickets.There used to be a forum but it didnt get much traffic.And i can not remeber the name of it.Just keep serching and i am sure you will find it.
Quote Originally Posted by harpt View Post
Check this guy out
