currently up for auction at grey flannel:

"It is hard to imagine, but one day, long ago, Babe Ruth was handed his first bat and put on his first flannel jersey. At that time, who could have imagined the history that was about to be written; the monumental legend and greatness....The same is true for Michael Jeffrey Jordan. There was a point when he gripped his first basketball and took his first jump shot from the top of the key, having no idea of the greatness and dominance that would follow; and so, too, would he be issued his very first NBA jersey as a member of the Chicago Bulls…and the rest, as they say, is history...This jersey offered is one-of-a-kind and special, indeed and could be compared to the first jersey ever issued to Babe Ruth; this red mesh road jersey could quite possibly have been the very first jersey issued to Michael Jordan as a member of the Chicago Bulls.."

from the description, this isn't simply a 1984 jordan gamer. this is jordan's very first NBA jersey. pretty spectacular. the GFC jersey has a very atypical number font. it's hard to find any photos of any of the 1984/85 bulls wearing that number font but GFC has managed to dig up a photo of jordan wearing a jersey with the atypical font so the font doesn't seem to be an issue. it does however make the jersey very unique and identifiable. below, on the left, are some images of the typical 1984/85 bulls number font. anyway, as i said earlier, this isn't simply being billed as a 1984 jordan gamer. a couple of those have already been auctioned off before. this is, in GFC's words, jordan's "very first jersey". as such, it would command a good premium over any other 1984 jordan gamer. i imagine the very first jersey that jordan ever put on would be considerably more desireable. jordan's first NBA game was actually at home vs washington so his "very first jersey" would've been a home jersey, not a road jersey. hence, the GFC road shirt cannot possibly be jordan's very first NBA shirt. could it be jordan's very first road shirt though? below are some images of jordan's first few road games, including his very first against milwaukee on sept 27, 1984. none of the photos show the atypical number fonts as seen on GFC's jersey. a 1984 jordan gamer? possibly. jordan's "very first jersey"? probably not.
