Quote Originally Posted by xpress34 View Post
So if I worked for you and one night I decided to go on B&E (Breaking and Entering) Spree - no threat to life, no weapons - and ripped off house after house and got caught, you'd just hire me back after I served my time??? RIGHT...

I'm guessing you don't own any animals either... we're not just talking about KILLING a defenseless animal - we're talking about SEVERELY ABUSING IT to make it want to kill other animals and then if it can't do the job after you've mistreated it for months (if not years) on end you CLUB IT TO DEATH (no gunshot - CLUBBED - where's the mercy???) because it 'failed' you???

And the crime would not have blown over - it's a FELONY crime, not a misdemeanor... so Vick isn't 'just' an Ex-Con, he's a FELON.

Hell man, OJ was AQUITTED of Murder - which means he 'did his time' in the Court of Law... would you hire him???

I have NOTHING against Vick rejoining Society... I have EVERYTHING against him being HANDED the Keys to the Castle on a Silver Platter simply because of who he was...

Denny McClain was busted for WHITE COLLAR Crime - NO Hurting or Killing of ANY Animal or Human - I didn't see the MLB lining up to offer him a chance to play again... oh, that's right... that was back when we weren't scared to speak our minds (i.e. Politcal Correctness) and everyone that did something wrong paid the FULL price... they weren't fed the BS that society somehow failed them and therefore owed them something when they finished serving their time.

And it's arguments like these FOR the THUGS and GANG BANGERS in the NBA and NFL that make me continue to watch MLB. They may not be perfect, but at least their is a set policy with the 3 strikes and you're out... I don't read stories about MLB players pulling guns in Strip Joints or Choking their bosses, etc., etc... Just like th epeople pulling for what's his head from the Giants who shot himself with his own gun in the night club... everyone thinks he should just be able to come back to the NFL - he didn't commit a crime against anyone - but he did committ a FELONY in the State of New York!!! You or I would lose our job and be in jail already. Same should apply to EVERYONE.

- Chris

Hey Chris...........I'm with you.

Why do you think we as a society are in such a state of......mess.

Vick did his time. He paid his debt to society. But he was killing society. He was torturing and killing dogs that didn't make the "cut".

So in honor of the dogs, I saw we throw Mr. Vick in a cage, hand pick a mean, nasty murderous thug from the highest security prison we can find, and tell them both to fight to the death.

If they both tire in their efforts, and fail to "off" eachother, then let's take em out in the "backyard" .................and drown em.

Long live Lassie.