I'm not a guy who has ever used the hobby as a way to make a quick buck. (Not that there is anything wrong with that). I don't even really know how to, and the opportunity is never really presented to make a big killing, anyway.

And then tonight happens, and I wonder why I'm such a moron.

The Super Bowl ends. Santonio Holmes is named MVP. Since I love this hobby, I knew about J.O. Sports, Inc. and have been on the site numerous times just to look at its cool stuff.

I know they have Holmes jerseys. So, I go to see if they still have some after his MVP performance. I figure, at $1,500, I can probably flip this in one week and make a few thousand.

They still have Holmes jerseys. This is my lucky day! They still are listed at $1,500.

I stare at my computer screen. I'm thinking this is the moment people talk about. I add a Holmes jersey to my cart to see if it will actually process at $1,500. It does.

Then I stare some more. I don't have a great deal of money. What if I'm wrong and Holmes' jerseys don't go that far up in the next week? What if I'm stuck with it at a price that might be a bit much for me?

Even though I know these suckers are going to be a hot buy, I leave the website. I call a friend and tell him I think I probably just screwed up. I go back to J.O. Sports, Inc. just to see if there was any activity.

The jerseys have been raised to $3,000. A few minutes later, they go to $5,000.

Man, I suck.