Hey guys,

Jim Daniels just emailed me back and it looks like we are barking up the wrong tree. Jim has an amazing glove collection and memorabilia collection and luckly doesn't live more than 5 miles from my house. Here is his response:

"In regard to that glove, it's cool but it is definitely not 1880's or 90's. I'm so sorry to say that it's a youth glove probably from the teens or possibly even the 20's. I have never seen a webless glove with cloth piping or a laced heel. I have a couple webless gloves and have a lot of pictures of them and they are literally just hands, straight up and down. The suede type interior as opposed to asbestos/wool, indicates that it probably once had a lining and could possibly mean it was made of cowhide and not horsehide. Pre-turn of the century gloves weren't made of cowhide as far as I know. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I want you take what the others posters say with a grain of salt. Bring it over when you get a chance and I'll try to prove myself wrong. I hope I am but the pictures are indicative of a youth glove possibly from the 20's. I have a few of those as well I can show you. I also have some early catalogue pictures I can show you."

Oh well, the mystery was fun for a while!!

Rob L