Yanks im not an expert on Turms autographs but by you saying the T and M are spot on. That is the very least indicator it is real.

Usually in most autographs the first letters of the names are the easiest to fake because they are usually the most pronounced.

Its the signature after the first letter that make up the autograph and if i collaborates with the way the first letter is.

Think of it like this, give me an hour or 2 to practice and I am sure I can fake the way you write the first first letter in your first and last name. Then the rest all i have to do is scribble and people just assume its real because the first letters are spot on.

PERFECT EXAMPLE - When I was a little kid in school (I was a little bit of a trouble maker) and I would get sent home with notices to my mother to sign. Now all the teachers knew my mothers signature because my mother had a unique signature so they would know if I tried to fake it (Or did they???) So one day I went home and practiced my mothers signature the first Letter of her first and last name over and over for a couple of hours because I know thats what the teachers were paying attention too. I got them down pat and scribbled the rest of her name.

Next thing you know im handing back signed letters from my mom passing the ultimate authentication tests my teachers and principals lol lol